Thursday, September 1, 2011

Do Something Little, Help Something Big

I was excited to learn about Energizer Canada and Evergreen joining forces on their “Do Something Little, Help Something Big” initiative. Energizer is contributing $100,000 to Evergreen to make Canadian cities more liveable.

I had of course heard of Energizer before (who could forget that bunny!), but I don't think I'd come across Evergreen before. It is a not-for-profit organization that is "a leading national funder and facilitator of local, sustainable greening projects in schoolyards, parks and communities across Canada". I first thought that if I lived in a bigger city rather than the suburbs, I would have heard of it - they seem to focus on urban areas like Toronto's Don Valley. But a little research proved that this organization does green things all over Canada, including suburbs of the GTA like Richmond Hill (not too far from where I live). For some reason it's just not been on my radar, but I'm going to start looking out for Evergreen projects near me!

I am a big fan of greening cities and communities developing fun, educational and environmentally sustainable sites, so this seems like a great idea to me.

We can all help by doing a little ourselves. The have suggested some pledges that are easy things we can all do to reduce our impact on the environment and spread a little joy as well. I found 10 that I'm happy to add to my day. And for each pledge, Energizer will donate an additional $1 to Evergreen (up to $10,000).

One of the ten pledges I made for Energizer Canada & Evergreen’s “Do Something Little, Help Something Big” initiative is to do my laundry during off-peak hours. I mean, that's just sensible - with time of use billing in effect, it will also save us money! Another I love is to tell my daughter I love her. Easy... I do that all the time. We are also installing a clothes line this year - hanging clothes to dry is not only a money and energy saver, it is great for all those cloth diapers (sun removes stains!). I let cars merge in front of me all the time (don't you hate those road hogs who speed up when you want to merge? That drives me nuts. Let someone in for goodness' sake!). And giving someone a smile is a great way to brighten a day. I started greeting strangers when I went out for a walk with the stroller and I'm still doing it. A traded "hi" or "good morning" and a smile make me feel good and make our neighbourhood more friendly. It's so easy to do the little things.

A few quick clicks of the mouse and you can check off some pledges for yourself and help this great cause. Head over to the Now That’s Positive Energy site to do so. You can also share your successes on the site, and read what others are doing.

Disclosure – I am participating in the Energizer Canada & Evergreen “Do Something Little, Help Something Big” program by Mom Central Canada on behalf of Energizer Canada & Evergreen. I received compensation as a thank you for my participation. The opinions on this blog are my own. While I did receive compensation, I want you to know that I don't promote things I don't believe in. This partnership between Energizer and Evergreen is a really positive thing a big corporation is doing - and I support that!

1 comment:

  1. What a great initiative!

    I also agree with your road hogs comment haha Happens all the time to me.

    Will make sure to follow the list. :)


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