Whoa. It's kind of a big deal. I'll be staying here (although I may pop out to visit once or twice), and he gets to come home for three days every two weeks.
Luckily for him, he's got good friends out there and is looking forward to the work - a change of pace from what he does at work here. For me, things won't change too much, only it's going to be a little lonely. The dog will keep me company, though, and those bi-weekly visits I'm sure will make the time fly.
Last weekend we did a bit of traveling as well. I had some work to drop off to galleries, so we went out to Oakville, hitting Toronto on the way. While in Oakville, where I'd never been to before, we decided to take a walk down through some suburbs to the lake. It's really nice! The waterfront neighbourhoods are lovely. The downside is the nasty fishy smell from all the algae or seaweed (I'm not sure which) washed up on the Lake Ontario shore. And the geese, which are everywhere (and when geese are everywhere, goose poo is a walking hazard! Not only that, but they're hissy, mean creatures). That was our Friday adventure.
Then on Saturday, we drove down to Niagara Falls (the US side) for some cross-border shopping. We went to the 'Fashion Outlets of Niagara Falls'. It was decent, but not as good as the outlet shopping in Baltimore we did last fall. I didn't get too much but my husband found some great deals on really nice clothes for work.
I did find a dress for a wedding we're going to - for only $40 - at Dress Barn. Believe me, I was not comfortable shopping at a store called Dress Barn. Can you think of a worse name? Ugh! Who wants to buy their clothes in a BARN for goodness' sake?! It was desperate times, after exhausting all the other possibilities at the mall, before we went in.
Anyway, most of the dresses were what I think of as 'old lady dresses', but I did find this nice navy blue empire waist dress. I think I will have to get a little shrug or something though, because the wedding we are going to is an older couple and I feel like it might be seen as disrespectful or inappropriate to wear a sleeveless dress in the church. Am I way off there? I'm not a church-goer myself, and most of the weddings I've been to are young couples. I'm not sure where this notion comes from that I need to cover my shoulders. The dress does have straps.
Alternately I have some strappier and more current white heels like so:

Ugh! I am just a jeans and tank top kind of girl... this dressing up business is not for me! So if you have advice on shoes, shrug, makeup, whatever, please share. Just be nice, yeah?