Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Stressing myself out

I could not sleep last night for the life of me - I was up until 3:30 am. Worrying. About work, about other stuff... I'm a little stressed over work. I am working on a commissioned painting that is taking longer than it should be... I have another, smaller and hopefully quick commission after that, and a gallery in Whistler wants 4-5 paintings for the end of November. I'm not a fast painter so this is a lot for me. I'm not sure how I'm going to get it all done. Eek.

And I'm a little worried about something more personal... things really are out of whack with me in regards to my cycle... I want to be in a place again where we're trying to conceive, but not knowing what's going on has me freaking out. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and hopefully will get some answers.

So I'm procrastinating and entering some giveaways. As usual. And I know that life would be less stressful if I didn't procrastinate - it's just a habit that I can't shake.

For baby:
For the ladies:
For grown-ups:
For the home:

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