Tuesday, September 20, 2011


In case anyone had the idea that life over here is perfect... This is my sweet, charming daughter today:
She would NOT nap no matter what I tried (really... I even did the vacuuming with her in a carrier. That's desperate.), until finally she basically collapsed from exhaustion at 2:30.

Yesterday was similar - first (and only) nap at 2:05 for an hour. Then she woke every hour from bedtime to 1:00 am (and was up at 3 for nursing and at 7:30 for the day). I am exhausted. She is exhausted. 

I'm guessing I have another 15 minutes to myself before she wakes. Guess I should try to eat/drink something and go pee.



  1. Teething????? Poor babe and poor mama! :O)

  2. You guessed it, Diane! Her first tooth has cut and the next one is coming!

  3. Man. Sometimes all the time you get to yourself is to pee and eat something. Hang in there.

  4. Teething is poopy. It won't last forever. Before you know it they'll be 12 and not need you half as much as they did when they were teething.... I know.... ;) It's a good job she is so cute!! Hurry up Mia's teeth, get a move on.

  5. Is she crawling? I remember reading (and had lots of friends say the same thing) that babies tend to sleep crappy when they hit new milestones (or are working on them). Then it could also be teeth, a growth spurt, a tummy ache, an ear ache, a cold or illness, being too cold, being too hot. You get the idea!!


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