Remember that
review I did of
Skin MD Natural a while ago? I'm still really happy with this product (my bottle is down to the last few drops after twice-daily use for 4 months!), and also happy to share a
coupon code with you! If you use the code
LATEST at the
Skin MD website, you can get 20% off the purchase price! Sweet!
This is a brand new code so if it isn't working yet, give it a few hours - it will be soon! The coupon code expires on May 8th, 2010. A big thank you to Skin MD for creating this code for my readers! ___
In other news... I went ahead and joined the gym that my husband joined a few weeks back. We had left the gym for the last few years because when we moved to this small town, the nearest one was 20 minutes away and we thought we'd never go. But after a couple years of no gym membership, we are both feeling unfit and a little pudgy, so back we go, despite the 20 minute drive.
We've been going 3-4 times a week, to the BodyFlow and BodyPump classes. BodyFlow is an hour-long tai chi, pilates and yoga workout combined, all set to music - a class I LOVE and have been doing for years. BodyPump is less appealing to me - it's a weight-training class, kind of boring but definitely a good workout. So if I'm around a little less, it's partly because 6 1/2 hours are now 'gone' from my week.
Other than that... not much is up. I've been working a lot lately - the galleries are asking for more work and I've got a huge show in the summer to get ready for. Swamped is an understatement. And, I decided to run another beginners' class starting on Monday for eight weeks - what was I thinking?! Definitely under a little work stress right now.
As for the blog - I do have three reviews lined up (with giveaways!), I just need to find the time to get going on them. So hang in there, if you're into that kind of thing :) OH, and don't forget there are a few more days in the
ABC Neckties giveaway! Win a $25 gift certificate!